Autor: Dan Cryan
Tytuł: Introducing Logic
ISBN: 9781848310124
Wydawca: Totem Books
Przybliżona ilość stron: 176
Oprawa: Paperback
Przybliżone wymiary i waga: 17.1 cm x 12.2 cm x 0.15 kg x 1.3 cm
<Stan: Książka Nowa, może posiadać niewielkie uszkodzenia powstałe podczas transportu od zagranicznego dostawcy.
Condition: The book is new. There might be minor defects made on the way from the supplier.
Logic is the backbone of Western civilization, holding together its systems of philosophy, science and law. Yet despite logic’s widely acknowledged importance, it remains an unbroken seal for many, due to its heavy use of jargon and mathematical symbolism. This book follows the historical development of logic, explains the symbols and methods involved and explores the philosophical issues surrounding the topic in an easy-to-follow and friendly manner.